2013年9月18日 星期三


Energetic Medicine Practitioner Devices

Below is a brief overview and description of the most popular and widely used energetic medicine devices available on the market today. This page will allow you to quickly navigate and compare in detail energetic medicine systems, with an in depth review available by clicking on each device name. The Stars are based on overall user feedback. For information on how to vote and leave feedback click here

For a quick comparision of the more popular devices see ourdevice comparison page

 Nutri-Energetics Systems – Professional
The NES-Pro is a revolutionary devices based on a new understanding of the human body and it’s inherent quantum electrodynamic field. This is an excellent preventative health care system, with a diagnostic and treatment potential which is currently unsurpassed.
 Acugraph - 
The Acugraph is a computerized device to analyze & document the energetic status of your acupuncture meridians.
ACUSCEN is fantastic tool for treating acute pain or other disorders or symptoms of recent origin. Fast and permanent pain-relief is observed often especially so in acute cases.
 Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer
The Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer is designed to tune up your biofield through a resonant effect that harmonizes your energy and helps you to navigate smoothly through a stressful world.
Airnergy is a portable compact machine for use in the home that creates 'energised air' which then feeds every cell in your body with oxygen. This can boost energy levels, increase mental agility, strengthens the immune system, stimulates circulation and reduces stress and tiredness.
 Amsat System
The Amsat System measures the electrical conductivity of biologically active parts of the human body, which give information on the condition of the internal organs and interconnected systems of organs.
The BICOM (BIO-ogical COM-puter) is a sophisticated Bio-Resonance (vibration therapy) treatment device incorporating over 400 preset therapeutic programmes.
 Bioflow Magnotherapy
Bioflow magnotherapy is the application of a magnetic field to living tissues. It is a natural therapy which supports the maintenance of the body’s communication and transport systems.
Uses the Meridian Stress Assessment - MSA. The primary objective of this procedure is to disclose patterns of stress and to provide feedback for use in a program to help restore each system and meridian to an appropriate balance.
 BioPhotonic Scanner
measures the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-and prove the effectiveness of your supplements in improving your overall antioxidant health.
The Biopulsar - Reflexograph is a biomedical measuring device, based on Eastern and Western alternative energy and medical science.
The BodyScan is a biofeedback/resonance device which makes heavy use of meridian theory. No longer in production.
The CoRe System is radionics/biofeedback device claiming capabilities of transmitting frequencies across all areas of the electromagnetic spectrum.
 EIS System
The EIS device, a biosensor that analyzes all 22 computer-segregated volumes of human interstitial fluid in vivo, by application of D.C. current (1.28 V) between cutaneous zones using electrodes, opened the doors to a new field of organ, gland, and tissue function (dysfunction) investigation for both science and medicine.
e-Lybra 9 is a fully automatic PC-based analysis, balancing and remedy production system.
The Etascan is a low frequency Quantum Generator - A modification from the Oberon device.
The F-Scan is a combination of Rife and Syncrometer technology, similar in overall result to the QXCI but with a limited digital storage of testing frequencies.
 Inter X
The InterX® technology is unique in the way it engages the body's natural resources to assist the processes of pain management and rehabilitation.
 Kirlian photography
refers to a form of photogram made with high voltage. It is a valuable tool that provides photographs, video, or computer images of energy flow.
 Mars III
The Mars III is the computer-aided Radionic System of Bruce Copen Laboratories.
The meta-scan is a low frequency quantum generator. Very simply the meta scan is a computer which compares the data by thousands of energetic symptoms to that of the measured values of the current test-person. Deviations point out deficits or disturbances directly and specialist investigations can then explore targeted suspected problems.
 Mitosan Therapy
The Mitosan re-energises cellular activity through natural infra-red radiation to aid overall well-being.
 NMT - Neuro Modulation Technique
NMT uses a clinically friendly method of ‘muscle response testing’ to communicate with the Autonomic Control System (ACS). The patient is asked to perform a pattern of breathing cycle while the practitioner uses the FDA approved Arthrostim to stimulate vertebra of the spine with gentle taps.
The Oberon provides organ functionality assessment via fluctuating wave characteristics and bioresonance therapy. The Oberon has excellent diagnostic potential but restricted use as a therapeutic device.
 Orgone Beam
The Orgone Beam aims to restore the body’s natural polarity through the transmission of “Orgone Energy”
The PAPIMI is a somewhat ungainly system for tissue strengthening by pulsed ion magnetic inductance
 Perkl Light - 
The Perkl-Light is a little different from most other devices in that its operation is more “intuitively-based” than “mentally based.” Rather than looking up frequencies in a book, or going through some analytical process to determine a setting, the Perkl-Light is best used by simply observing one’s experience and which settings feel good at any particular time.
 PIP Biofield Imaging
PIP (Polycontrast Interference Photography) is a visual non-invasive scanning system that reveals where current problems may exist and interestingly where developing issues might arise.
 PTDPersonal Therapy Device
With over 300 built in programs this is a
small lightweight, affordable and popular device.
PROGNOS is a diagnostic and therapy system based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine.
 Pulse Magnetic Therapy
The MicroPulseIV pulsed electromagnetic field generator is a low intensity easy to use device that creates less the 1 gauss of magnetic power (equal to that of the earth’s magnetic), which makes it safe to use, yet has produced effective results
The Quantec is a radionics device deigned to restore health by the vibration emission of remedies. Inbuilt programming also allows the transmission of therapeutic signal to 500 clients simultaneously.
The QXCI is a popular system for diagnosis and treatment of energetic disturbances using resonance and biofeedback.
The SCENAR is an excellent device for rapid relief of acute symptoms through the stimulation of regulatory peptides.
The Syncrometer is another biofeedback/resonance device. Does not require a computer output as resonance is established through sound alone. The Syncrometer works well and was the basis for many to come, but may have a limited application for today’s energetic medicine practitioner.
 The LIFE System
The LIFE System is another biofeedback/resonance device, similar in construct to the QXCI with the main differences being graphical and monetary.
 The Merid
The Sanet Merid, from Sanet Medical BV, is a revolutionary way for therapists to measure and treat the human organ systems using infra-red light.
 The Rife Machine
The Rife Machine uses resonance frequencies to neutralise bacteria and viruses. It deserves merit for it’s historic influence, but further technological developments have seen the Rife superseded.
Vega supply a range of diagnostic and therapeutic devices (including one for biofeedback/resonance), designed to facilitate practitioners of well established therapies, including electro dermal screening, matrix regeneration and colour/audio therapy.
 Vibe Machine
Vibrational Integrated Bio-photonic Energizer - The VIBE Machine is an electronic device that brings the vibrational level of your body back to its natural state of being.
See also Energy Medicine Review and Energetic Devices for an independent review of energy medicine devices and systems.


Introduction: What is the easiest way to explain Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is most simply explained by using an example from nature. Surely, the oldest kind of biological resonance is our sunlight. If the sunlight touches our skin, it turns brown. This is, however, not caused by the skin warming up; otherwise we would also gain a bronzed skin tone by simply visiting the sauna. The reason for the tanning effect lies in the ultraviolet rays, which are part of the sunlight Ultraviolet light with a wave length of 10-400 nm, is able to stimulate pigmentation of the skin, a regulation system integrated in our skin, which starts pigmentation when exposed exactly to this frequency of sunlight, causing it to appear tanned. Pigmentation of the skin is only one of the regulations prompted by the sunlight, another one is the stimulation of vitamin D production.
It is not hard to understand, that there are other frequencies beside this narrow frequency band of the sunlight, which also trigger off their own regulations. Way back in the year of 1976, it was Paul Schmidt, who realized the connection between the application of a frequency and its regulation properties towards the organisms of humans, animals and plants. With this, he founded the exogenous (affecting from the outside) bioresonance. In these correlations, let me also mention the endogenous Bioresonance, which works with the body's own oscillation patterns. Today, the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt works exogenously as well as endogenously, the exogenous Bioresonance, however, still plays the overriding part.
Let’s return to that word "bio resonance". The word "Bioresonance" consists of two parts, for one, there is bio, which stresses the natural characteristics of the method, the second word part is resonance, which can only take place, when objects with identical oscillation abilities respond to each other.

A very plain description of resonance is given with the example of a tuning fork, If you place two identical tuning forks side by side, with not too much space in between, as shown in the illustration on the left, and then hit one of the forks to cause the emanation of its characteristic oscillation, the other fork, which has not been touched, also starts to resonate along with it. As a result, both forks resonate with identical frequencies, therefore sending out the same tone.
This only works, if the tuning forks standing behind one another are identical. On repeating the experiment with two different tuning forks, the tuning fork swinging first will not be able to trigger off the second fork, because it has no resonance ability. If we transfer this phenomenon to the bio-resonance, we have already found the explanation, why the bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt is also called the gentle bio-resonance; taking the biological window into account, it is not possible to achieve side effects. A 'wrong' frequency is unable to find a resonance spot in the organism, therefore it results in no effect whatsoever - but neither in a regulation. Therefore, the bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt concentrates on finding and then applying frequencies; you might picture this process as the re-activation of tuning forks in the organism, which are not resonating.

Bio-resonance was explained with the help of the effects of sunlight on the skin; surely, some of you not only thought of the tan gained by sunbathing, but also of the sunburn, which may occur instead. Therefore, there must be certain criteria, which have to be maintained, in order to trigger off a regulation of the body. The example sunlight allows us to determine several criteria. One is the period of time, during which the frequencies affect the body - an adequate sunbathing period is beneficial to our health; if this period is exceeded, however, we must even protect ourselves from the sun. Another decisive factor is the intensity of radiation. In technological terms, we talk about the amplitude of an oscillation. If the sun is weak, we can expose our bodies to its rays for a long time. If it is very strong, a few minutes are all we can bear. A further decisive criterion is the frequency itself. If we filter the ultraviolet frequency spectrum out of the sunlight, 'tanning' will not occur, which proves, that the right frequency for a regulation must be present. The right kind of oscillation for application also applies to the biological window. For example, there are harmonious oscillations (i.e. the sunlight) or rectangle-shaped oscillating forms, (computer technique) or triangle shaped oscillating forms, used, for example, in stimulation therapy. As a final criterion, the rotational properties of the oscillation must be mentioned, which can stabilize the left or right rotating fields in the organism.
If these criteria are maintained, you remain within the biological window and can affect the body in the positive sense. If the criteria are all maintained, but the oscillation form, for example, is altered, you are still within the biological window - but the body is destabilized with this alteration. This is exactly the one main problem with mobiles, radio telephones and the complete wireless technology {wireless data connection between different components). It is within the biological window, but with inharmonious oscillation shapes.
Therefore, bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt is a gentle bio-resonance, because the criteria mentioned above all are applied in the sense of harmonization exclusively. The way they are designed, in the worst case, the corresponding bio-resonance devices achieve no regulation at all, but never will they do any harm. The experience of the past 20 years confirms this very impressively.
OBERON - The bioenergetic diagnostics and therapy system
Integral prevention with not invasive diagnostics.
Health probably is the highest property, which decides about the quality of human life. In the name of the corrugate it, enormous sums are passed out for "Checks" in order to get the health. Early diagnosis of weak places with OBERON cannot always prevent illnesses, but patients however arduous wrong tracks until a correct diagnosis spares.
The idea of OBERON is bribing simple: a computer compares the data (Etalone-Dimension-Unit, status) of thousands energetic symptoms with the current subject's measurements. Deviations point out deficits or disturbances directly, specialist examinations can suspect problems explores then aimed. Also with an unclear trouble, if organically or not to find anything uncommon in the laboratory values is, a check can give valuable hints with OBERON.
With the testing with OBERON, the too investigator headphone carries, in which hearing only quiet sounds in different frequencies is, as a radio set (that looks for the correct frequency). OBERON emits waves that the frequencies of the organs, that were determined from the pool of the comparison group, tested.
If the frequencies of the examined agree with the healthy comparison group, "synchronous" is, the appliance notes the similarity. With deviant frequency, the degree of the difference decides how strikingly the disturbance is noted. The checking of the whole body lasts on average with good approximately one half lesson, the more exact investigation at locked weak places can then last until two times. In the comparison to lengthy ambulance visits and compartment medical marathon's an almost unbelievable saving of time!
OBERON PICTORIAL representation of the results
During the test passageway, BFB represents the tested Organ/System on the screen and forgives colored points, that the agreement as well as Deviation of the comparison group marks. Yellow points mean high agreement (therefore "health") brown or black points on disturbances as well as massive problems to.
With each healthy human being, there are "black" areas, susceptible organs, but didn't yet manifest illnesses. Later testings often show another picture: the body "repaired" a possible damage. Not always, acute act demand therefore exists. Sooner, one then knows his weak places and can behave right preventive.
With illness/sickness known already, a picture of OBERON details can show: is it the stomach entrance approximately, or are there indications of an Ulcus, that causes the problems? OBERON can clearly represent also inter-disciplinary connections: the stormach-patient possibly has also an inclination to hypertension, or is inclined to faulty clear ness.
OBERON for general doctors
Doctors for general medicine often are the first attempt place in people, that is not missing anything, that suffers from an unclear trouble, however, on the first gaze. Up to now, they often were referred from specialist to specialist further, ENT, neuro, however, gynecologist and internist didn't know anything of each other. BFB can create remedy since the whole human being becomes checked. The health of the entire organism gets a current picture, a repetition of an appropriate time period can prove therapy successes or with a new trouble, at what now must be done urgently, can show.
People, that think to be healthy, get valuable hints how they can protect their health where their weak places lie. But also chronic sick person is often pleased after an BFB Testung, since they see, how much is healthy in their body and works without problems. The fixation on an illness gives way aimed to in the habit of health with small mistakes to a more optimistic perspective one.

Meta Thrapy

META -THERAPY, BFB and Bioresonance…
"Everything is Oscillation"
There are many things between heaven and earth that cannot be explained by University or Physical science, although they do exist, no doubt!
Bio-Resonance Feedback Therapy (META-Therapy) is a cutting edge technology based on quantum physics. Bio-Resonance comes from the word resonate or to be in tune, in synchronization, in balance. Stress causes a block in the flow of energy, which in turn causes disease and illness.

META-Therapy helps to remove these blocks, allowing the body to heal itself.

META-Therapy is non-invasive, painless and strengthens the immune system. It’s even safe for pregnant women and children.

We design and manufacture advanced Alternate Medicine equipment for diagnosis and treatments such as BFB NLS-system, developed in Russia.
The main METAtherapy feature in the BFB is that activity is adjusted automatically, and it’s not necessary to strengthen physiological fluctuations separately and to invert the pathological ones - the device does it all automatically; you simply press the button “Start”, select the necessary section, and therapy runs. In Oberon the given function is automated (auto tuned) to maximize the client’s convenience.
The course of treatment consists desirably of 10 sessions every other day. For 1 session it is advisable to do no more than 5-6 Mora-therapy influences.
Bioresonance is the big promise of the medical technology of the future because it stimulates the self-regenerating system of the body by affecting the body`s most essential procedures. The big advantage is that its multiple and there are no harmful side effects. This therapy teaches something to the body what in a younger and healthier state it had already known.
All tissues like skin, liver, bones and other organs have their own oscillation and resonate on their own special frequencies.
After measuring the patients’ resonances those waves are traced back to the patient’s body. Like this there is a way to customize diagnostics and therapy.
Bioresonance is based on the scientific principle that metabolism within cells is influenced by one's electromagnetic field. Each cell has its own pattern of resonating frequencies necessary to maintain the vitality of the whole organism whether it is a person, plant, or animal. Since 1999 clinics & hospitals in Europe have been employing Bioresonance Devices for more than one million treatments per day.
The Bioresonance devices allow the body to recognize where it is off track, re-establish internal energetic communication routes, and self correct by giving a very slight boost of specific electromagnetic stimuli which uses principles of biofeedback (EM) signals as measured from acupuncture sites. You simply just sit in a chair & relax while receiving extremely low intensity (EM) signals from headphones.
The sessions are totally painless & relaxing. (Bioresonance balances the body like acupuncture but without the needles.)
Basically, it simply redirects energy with vibration to assist the body to rid itself of disturbances. Thus allowing the body to heal itself & harmonize with spontaneous remission.
These devices are best used along with implementation of healthy lifestyle so as to achieve & maintain a perpetual state of wellness. As all healing is self-healing. Any modality is merely a tool to make accomplishment of the plan easier for a Younger, Healthier and Happier You!
BFBNLS analyze and META-therapy
Bioenergetics - bioresonance is a complementary application method, which perceives the human as a whole.
Since 1999 we are working with the method NLS-bioresonance analyze using the device BFB.
. Oberon therapy is aimed at correcting the deranged intrabodily balance and corresponding electromagnetic radiation via information preparations (metazodes).
BFB metazodes are specific combinations of frequencies found to resonate with the current state of ill-health (the pathological waveforms are inverted by 180°). They can be received by the client via the Oberon itself or transferred to a matrix (water, alcohol and lactose) for oral delivery over a course of treatment. This method if treatment is similar to that used in the NES-Pro treatment protocol and accounts for a wide sphere of influence of this type of preparation and the absence of harmful side effects and contraindications in the cases when conventional remedies are prescribed simultaneously.
The NLS analyze and META-therapy, which were developed in Russia, are the modern methods for the effective holistic analyze and therapy of chronic diseases, pains and general ill health.

For the first time in energy medicine, META-therapy not only treats the organs but in addition also treats energy blocks in the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system - systematically and routinely.
The self regulation of the body is decisively activated, enhancing the ability of the body to heal itself. The causes of any illness are treated, rather than the symptoms or the individual organs.
The word “META-therapy” was first used by its inventor, the Russian physician Dr. Grig Butov. It stands for the therapy goal of treating the whole person.
META-therapy works with the device BFB”, a new diagnosis and therapy machine of the energy medicine, which links the traditional complementary-medical system and modern results of research in one synthesis.
Using META-therapy the biological stimulation is maintainable without medication.
META-therapy is a medical appliance, but it is not able to cure serious diseases on its own. Reducing or stopping medication depends on the results of the therapy which has to be discussed with your medical attendant.
The META-Therapy
The therapy-session consists of two steps:
  • For diagnosis the therapist utilizing the computer system OBERON determines problems of your body, causes of stresses and blockages of your energy system.
  • For therapy you receive the exact amount of frequency information for your healing.
All biological processes within a body are governed by the higher energy of the meridians and the central nervous system. Because of our modern way of living these processes can be severely disturbed - because of both internal and external stress, excessive demands, unnatural food products, electro smog, environmental toxins, and geopathic stress. The body reacts with chronic permanent stress. This stress can result in a malfunction of the immune system. The results: afull spectrum of different symptoms, exhaustion, allergies, chronic diseases.
In such a situation it is useless to treat individual symptoms. Permanent healing is only possible with a complete detoxification of the body, with stress reduction and a reactivation of the regulatory systems, which means the meridians and the central nervous system. At this point META-therapy is very effective.
The Causes of stresses
The following causes of problems and stresses in the body can be determined with OBERON and can be treated:
  • Organs:
    Are there chronic infections, degeneration or metabolic disturbances? Autoimmune deficiencies? Risks of tumors?
  • Tissues, skeleton, muscles, blood:
    Are environmental toxins or metabolic toxins stored? What is the individual reaction to these? Are there acute or chronic infections? Stresses?
  • Central nervous system:
    Which stress reactions are present due to emotional issues or external excessive demands? Which detox reactions are blocked as a result of these? What effect does it have on the body?
  • Toxins + Allergens:
    Are there stresses due to heavy metals (i.e. lead, cadmium)? Stresses due to environmental toxins or pollutants (formaldehyde, solvents, pesticides, etc.)? Are there food allergies (milk, pork, wheat, yeast, additives)? Other allergies: pollen, pets, dust, fungus, etc.? Electrosmog or geopathic stress?
All determined causes will be used during the OBERON diagnosis and META-therapy and will be considered individually.
Healing through information
The acupuncture meridians and all systems of the body which receive information and energy from these meridians, the nerves, the organs and the body tissues, can be positively influenced with the proper information signal. Such signals for example are frequency signals from substances, trace minerals, herbs or homeopathic remedies.
Bioresonance therapy is a painless therapy that deals with the hidden causes of disease and poor health by assessing and then normalizing energetic imbalances. All matter, whether living or inert, resonates at a particular electromagnetic frequency, including the human body. Toxic substances in the body such as infections, chemicals, and heavy metals alter the body’s normal pattern and the body begins to adapt to the new frequency, causing illness or other disorders. Using bioresonance to modify and correct energy patterns allows the body to return to its natural healthy state, allowing people to become free of addictions, allergies, and pain.
This is because bioresonance enhances the body’s own regulation and detoxification. The body needs to detoxify itself of accumulated waste in order to allow nutrients to be delivered at a cellular level. A healthy diet is necessary along with bioresonance and your therapist will recommend the best diet for you along with any supplements that may be needed.
How Bioresonance Therapy Works
Bioresonance therapy BFB uses the strategic placement of magnetoinductors on the surface of the head. Electromagnetic signals are transmitted through the headphones in order to clear blockages in the body’s natural flow of energy. Several sessions are necessary. Multiple sessions are used as the first couple of sessions are used to create a diagnosis of the degree of blockage associated with the patient’s illness. Computer hookups record data as the electrodes administer the treatments.
For many centuries proven natural healing methods, like acupuncture, homeopathy and healing with plants, have used this principle with great success. META-therapy builds upon this foundation, but in a totally new synthesis utilizing modern computer technology and electronics. This makes it possible always to find the right frequencies, which are specifically tailored towards the patient and which are most effective for the treatment. The therapy system transmits this information from the computer to the body in exactly determined amounts and activates self healing and the elimination of toxins.
The Treatment with META-Therapy
The META-therapy helps the body to better deal with the discovered problems, toxins and allergens and to eliminate these. In addition the higher causal factors of organic disturbance - chronic stress and disturbed reactions of the central nervous system - will be neutralized due to the therapy. Both are important factors for the activation of the immune system and self healing, enabling the healing of even very old organ diseases.
A therapy session lasts from about 5 to 20 minutes. How often the treatment has to be repeated depends on the nature of the illness. Normally three to ten sessions are required.
At preventive care it is recommended to perform 10 sessions every other day, with an interval 1 month. When you treat diseases, the sessions are carried out each day, 1 session per day. Quantity of procedures -5-6, then makes an interval for 2-3 weeks.
In addition to the therapy, the practitioner many times prescribes trace elements, homeopathic remedies, herb teas or other supplements. These will be individually tested for effectiveness and form an optimum extension of the therapy.
The therapy between the two magnetic heads of the BFB headphones is pleasant and relaxing. It optimizes the energy system of the body and boosts the immune system and the capacity for self healing. The patients feel more vital, more active and have more energy - often even after the first therapy session. The ability to tolerate stress or external demands of daily life improves. Pain and symptoms often reduce even after the first session.
Despite it's effectiveness META-therapy is a very gentle treatment. The applied electromagnetic fields are relatively weak in comparison to our usual exposure of manmade electromagnetic fields. Side effects and risks are not known. Therefore the META-therapy is also ideally suited for children.
Application Areas
META-Therapy works with the regulation system and regulation capacity of the body. Necessary surgery cannot be alleviated. In cases of illness where organs have suffered irreparable damage, the damage cannot be reversed but any suffering will be reduced.
META-Therapy with BFB has achieved excellent results in the following areas:
  • chronic- degenerative illnesses of all kinds, autoimmune diseases, adjunct therapy to tumors
  • weak immune system, chronic infections
  • acute and chronic pain and inflammations
  • fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders, depressions, migraine, psychosomatic illnesses
  • allergies, chemical sensitivity, electro sensitivity, eczema, neurodermatitis, environmental medicine
  • hormonal disturbances, menopausal difficulties, PMS
  • old age illnesses
  • pediatrics: growth problems, behavioral difficulties
  • spinal symptoms: back pains, pains in joints, tensions, arthritis
  • injuries, bone fractures
  • sports medicine, preparation for competition
Please note: Like all other medical therapies also META-Therapy is not always able to be successful for all patients and in all cases. If a META treatment does not yield the desired effect further medical diagnosis and treatment might be necessary.
Bioresonance therapy application in Europe
Since 1999 clinics and hospitals in Europe have been employing bioresonance devices for more than one million treatments per day. In addition, there are over 170,000 families utilizing home devices for their preventive health care. Extensive research has shown that the application of this technology in allergy treatment is particularly effective. All sorts of joint problems, back pain, and sport injuries are successfully treated by Bioresonance therapy in Europe. In fact, a large percentage of Olympic athletes in Europe use this technology.
Bio-resonance Therapy has been used in Europe for:
Peak performance
Enhanced performance
Rapid recovery from injuries
Reduced pain and inflammation
Muscle strengthening, coordination rejuvenation, relaxing
Psychological preparation
Performance anxiety
Maintaining focus and concentration
Developing intuition
Recovery from exhaustion and stress
Time zone and weather changes while traveling (adaptation to jet lag)

Improved concentration and mental functioning
Improved digestion and weight management
Pain reduction and anti-inflammatory support for back nerves, muscles, joints, and bones
Improved oxygenation of tissues
Coordination of heart and lung
Stress and anxiety reduction
Emotional support and positive sense of well-being
Enhance one’s own production of stem cells
Rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries
Enhancement of bone mass and healing of fractures
Prevention of age-related hearing and vision loss
Headaches, depression, stress-related problems
Improved blood, and fluid circulation
Detoxification and lymphatic drainage
Hormonal balance
Stimulation of immune system
Promote healthy skin and reduce wrinkles

Reduction of pain
Support tissue healing
Energy balancing
Increase range of motion
Self-regulation of body and emotions
Prevent and alleviate muscle spasms
Promote improved quality of life
Anti-inflammatory nutrition
The importance of communication has become evident in the last decades. Beside industrial and social importance of communication, science has shown us the essential importance of biological communication. Our body has to adapt to various environmental changes and our internal organs, tissues, other subsystems necessitate an extremely precise communication in order to be able to synchronize the vast amount of biochemical reactions which are necessary for the homeostasis of human life.
The nature of this essential biological communication is just under investigation in the last century. This is a direct, rapid, and very efficient type of communication quite distinct from commonly explored pathways such as neural and hormonal. The electromagnetic nature of this direct signaling system has been more fully described since the 1970’s with the help of more and more precise research equipment, such as the photomultiplier and various high resolution spectrum analyzers.
Now we know through the understanding of the chemical structure of the living tissue how this internal signal transmission can be so selective and efficient. This is accomplished by means of the diverse spectral properties of the living tissue that employ varied spectral bands of communication. In bioinformatics, structure dependent communication pathways are called “biological windows.” This was first identified and described by the research group led by Ross Adey in the late 1970’s at Loma Linda University, California.
The basic synchronizing and controlling structure in the organism is DNA. Its photonic signal emission was identified by Fritz Popp’s research group at Max Planck Institute in Kaiserslautern, Germany. This discovery can also explain how differentiation is controlled during embryogenesis, even prior to development of the hormonal and nervous systems. On this foundation, the various research facilities of Iventus have continued to develop the field of bioresonance and bioinformatics.
Iventus Invest corp employs their knowledge through the development of research and therapeutic devices. Research activity within the fields of bioinformatics and bioelectromagnetic communication has necessitated that sensitive measurement devices be created in cases where none had existed.
Step by step Iventus Invest corp has moved into the production of user-friendly diagnostic and therapeutic instruments which can be used in clinical as well as home-care environments. Currently, Iventus Invest corp produces an entire line of wellness devices which emphasizes the preventative aspect of health care.
The quality and precision of these instruments is on the highest professional standard.

BFB devices are being asked
for by Naturopathic doctors, Health practitioners, Acupuncturists, Physicians and
individuals who work in the field of Naturopath, Bioenergetics, Alternative
Medicine, Acupuncture and Complementary Medicine.

Times are changing (though some people don`t like it ) and that means we have
to look for new frontiers.


Bio-resonance diagnostic and therapy
This is most effective equipment that is capable of tuning to the frequency of the master pulses automatically without human intervention, as well as, detecting and correcting defects and pathologies in organs and body cells on its own. The device makes an evaluation of the organ’s condition directly due to the resonance amplification of the radiation signal from the organ, using a non-invasive trigger sensor. Every organ and every cell has its own distinctive oscillations which are stored in the computer memory and can be displayed on screen as a graph, which represents the conditions of the information exchange between the organ (tissue) and the environment.
BFB takes bearings of a radiation there on where they are created in order to then decode them and, to show on the screen, where a virtual model of the organ is reproduced in certain colors. If we represent the entropy values of a system as spectral colors in accordance with the rules of the quantum science so, the color nuances of light yellow (lowest entropy values) change highest entropy values to red and purple, almost black, for itself over orange. More exact theoretical calculations by means of BFB make possible to pick out a series of stationary conditions of a certain entropischen potential accordingly and to interact selectively with the spectrum of the electro-magnetic radiation.
BFB makes possible for doctors determining the condition of a pathological process on the model of the organ. When comparing the color spectrum the markings and its order of the computer model of the respective organ as well like the dynamics of its changes of the course of the time can judge one, like the process of the decay of biological structures progresses and produce prognoses for the cure.
Extensive information about the energetic one(s) becomes with low time and won through it over the health condition of the human body.
BFB doesn't solve your health problems, however, which finds the disturbances fast the causes for illnesses can be.
Based on the principle of "Metamark Bioresonance research technology", BFB is one of the most extensive comparison computers at the market - trouble, symptoms, medications, phytos, microorganisms, allergies, parasites, homeopathic medicine, etc...
The scientific basis of BFB
All vital processes in the organism - on atom-molecular level - become from the changes of the size of the electric freight at cost his accompanies, that the macromolecules are the semiconductors or dielectrics i.e. they contain positively and negatively loaded particles that enables to form the domains and also that the macromolecule structures possess the qualities of the liquid crystals.
This trick and transfer qualities of the protons and electrons, as well as their frequency descriptions change. These physical peculiarities of the processes at the change of the electric macromolecular status cause the possibility of the production of diverse electro-magnetic fields and waves. A certain unique spectrum of the electromagnetic fields and waves belongs to each cell, the organ and the system of several organs.
The appliance is a complicated system of sensors, inductors, cascade intensifiers and laser scanners.
The system developed by the world-best vibration technologists’ works on the basis of the differentiation of the radiation spectrum of the concrete cell, the organ and the organ system. The sensor element is an induction flip-flop sensor, an especially sensitive electromagnetic spool with the flip-flop sensor. The inner generator, that works with a frequency of 4,9 gigahertz, guarantees the decrease of the statements of the whole organism with help of the corresponding induction flip-flop sensor. Electromagnetic fuss fields and waves, that accompany the viability of the human organism, call the change of the induction size - or downward in the induction flip-flop sensor here, the flip-flop fixes this change of the size and sends these values to the analogous digit molder, that changes the signals into digit values, through the intensifier.
These information, at the PC arrived, is stored in the data base for organ conditions. Is in the cut 15 until 30 information values at organ and these there is classified in a 6-step evaluation range.
Level of a latent capacity.Asthenia of regulatory systems.Compensated failures of the adaptation mechanism.
Level of optimal regulation.Shift of characteristics to a higher level, strain condition of regulatory systems.Decompensation of adaptation mechanism, expressed morbid conditions.
The so won data are held on to the screen of the PC's where the virtual model of the object is portrayed in certain colors. The color follows the ranking in the evaluation system. Through the confrontation of the digit assessment, that flowing through of the wave processes and this of the order of the points of an organ at the computer, the dynamics of the change processes can be represented. The finer theoretical calculations make the secretion of a row's the static conditions that corresponds a certain entropy potential and cooperates on the basis of the free election with the spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation, possible.
Thanks to high frequency, the induction flip-flop sensor is to be distinguished in the situation between the individual spectra of the radiation, characteristically for each organ, to be guaranteed about such an exact data input.
Very simply the BFB is a computer which compares the data by thousands of energetic symptoms to that of the measured values of the current test-person. Deviations point out deficits or disturbances directly and specialist investigations can then explore targeted suspected problems. The BFB takes radiation readings where they arise in the body. These are then analyses and a virtual model of the body in certain colors are reproduced. Further theoretic calculations are made with the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. The scan allows therapists to see the pathological process, compare the color spectrum of markers, their arrangements and relationship to each other. This shows the process of decline of biological structures and the possible cures. The BFB does not cure; it shows areas of disease and suggests ways to make positive changes for future wellness. BFB is one of the most comprehensive comparative computers on the market.
Who is it for?
The BFB is harmless and non invasive so can be used by anyone from children, to pregnant women to the older generations. It gives results on the entire body, giving a whole current picture. By repeating the test at regular intervals changes can be monitored, reassessment of drugs or therapies can be made and any new problems can be addressed. Healthy people can receive valuable advice on they can protect their health and where their weaknesses are.
How can it help me?
The BFB identifies the source area where disease is occurring. With this targeted information a clear focused decision can be made for the best form of action to cure the disease.
Purchased our equipment BFB are different categories of customers (basic):
  1. Doctors - for private practice
  2. Medical centers - as major or additional equipment to survey
  3. Distributors of food additives (Coral Club, NSP, Tianshi, Dr. Nona and others) - to match their products to customers, and motivate customers to buy their products, as well as more intensive growth of its distribution network.
  4. The manufacturers of cosmetics, foodstuffs, other medicines - for evaluation and selection of optimal composition of its product.
  5. Beauty salons, health centers - for additional business related to their main activity.
  6. The most important group - to open a new business «turnkey», so customers we offer assistance in opening a diagnostic cabinet, using our successful model of our equipment.