The original NLS are technological additions to the centuries-old Oriental medicine based on energy conceptions of acupuncture as a means of the biological system control. If we turn to the Chinese meridian system we will learn of the mysterious tsi flux which in energy way reminds us of coherent photon flux. Experiments on rabbits showed that animals, just like man, have a system of extremely fine tubular structures (about 0.5 to 1.5 micron in diameter). American scientist B. Kim discovered that the terminal points of an acupuncture meridian were found to reach the cell nucleus. There are a great many means to influence the meridian system for a therapy purpose, but their effect is often not great enough. According to the Theory of quantum entropy logic the information exchange in any systems occurs distantly, associatively and selectively due to quanta of electromagnetic radiation which have energy equivalent to the energy breaking down the bonds of the system's elementary structure.
They dealt with homeopathy and Chinese acupuncture with its further elaboration by Voll, Morell and Schimmel; the Indian Yajur -Veda and the theory of chakras; spin theory; phytotherapy and other methods.
Unlike Voll´s electro puncture diagnosis method in which the energy potentials of organs and systems get measured through biologically active points (BAP) reflecting the body condition indirectly (often with a considerable error).
Theoretical and experimental work that made it possible to produce apparatus 'Oberon' - a nonlinear quantum generator was initiated by Nikola Tesla, a man of genius in electronics at the end of XIX century. Later it was carried on by some other scientists like J.Lakhovsky, an outstanding French researcher, which studied the effect of radiofrequencies on the health of animals and plants.
American scientist of genius R.Rife conducted research not only on the effect of radiofrequencies but also on the effect of electrical frequencies on the human bio field. In 1950 in Germany R. Voll discovered and worked out a system of electro testing by acupuncture points of the human body.
Prof. S. Smith from Manchester University proved that water could 'remember' coherent frequencies to whose radiation it was exposed in a variable magnetic field, and in its structure it retains the information about those frequencies for a certain period of time.
The effect of these remedies consists in the awakening of the body's hidden reserves. This accounts for a wide scope of influence of preparations and absence of harmful side effects and contraindications when prescribed in parallel with conventional remedies.
Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov (1921 – 1988)
Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov – soviet physicist.
He was born on 22nd of December, 1921, in Pushkino, near Moscow, in a family of medical officer.
In 1939 he entered physics department of Moscow State University. After beginning of the World War II he was evacuated to Ashkhabad where he met A.D. Sakharov.
After graduating magna cum laude from MSU, in 1943 he was assigned to military factory in Kuibyshev.
After the end of war Nesterov returned to Moscow and entered post-graduate courses of Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute to well known professor of physics Y.B. Zeldovich to study fundamental issues of quantum physics. At the age of 27 Nesterov defended a thesis and at the age of 32 he received a degree of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1958 in his scientific work (unpublished) he offered to introduce into quantum mechanics conception about structure of baryons as a compound particles consisting of three of more elementary particles. In theory of S. Nesterov electron and neutrino are regarded equally and can transform into each other. Hence reactions with spin impulse change are possible. During decay at intermediate stage so-called x-boson and other analogous spinor (terminal) particles are formed. The more important - that x-boson decay is non-uniform, with “delay”, as a result – baryon asymmetry development and following global spontaneous symmetry violation of many of spatial characteristics. Thus for the first time it was theoretically proven by S. Nesterov that in Universe there are enormous (billions of light years) areas with spatial division of matter with positive and negative polarization and corresponding to them physical fields determined by spin moment transfer, which were later called entropy (torsion) fields.
Similar principal idea and calculation were published by T. Van Hoven only in 1975, and practical prove was made by G. Hooft in 1995, for this he was awarded with Nobel Prize in 1999.
The idea and calculation of baryon decay offered by S. Nesterov were published only as a classified report.
Starting from March of 1951 until 1965 S. Nesterov, under guidance of his tutor Y. Zeldovich, was involved in military researches and work on nuclear weapons, for this he was awarded with Lenin Prize and title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1966 S.P. Nesterov received a title of corresponding member of Scientific Academy of USSR, in 1973 – title of academic. From 1986 he was a head of department of Physics Institute of SA of USSR, consulting physician of Direction of Institute of Space Researches of SA of USSR.
Starting from 1970’s on S.P. Nesterov’s initiative systematic researches of a new sphere of natural science – psychophysics has begun. Psychophysics is a science researching influence of physical fields on mental functions of a human.
On initiative of KGB of USSR head Y.V. Andropov, in Soviet Union research laboratory was created, the main goals of which were fundamental researches in this sphere and coordination of all works made in USSR by different scientific institutions in sphere of psychophysics and psychotronics. S.P. Nesterov was offered to head this laboratory. Later this laboratory was reformed into Scientific and research institute of theoretical and practical biophysics. For a long time this laboratory functioned under veil of secrecy.
After elimination of USSR, S. Nesterov was not able to conduct his researches in his motherland. In 1994 he was invited in USA by famous American physicist T. Van Hoven, and he continued his studies in laboratory of psychophysic researches of International Research Institute of Stanford headed by E. Krik.
On 14 of August, 1998, S.P. Nesterov died in New-York.
Evaluation of scientific accomplishments of Svyatoslav Nesterov is impossible until secrecy terms of his works are still valid. Nevertheless in goes without questions that his name deserves to be known in the history of world science
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (Omsk) was founded in 1990 by the President of International Academy of non-linear diagnostic systems, full member of Academy of medical and technical sciences Vladimir Igorevich Nesterov. The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) is a scientific research institution, mainly oriented towards practical researches in bio-resonance diagnostics and therapy field.
The most advanced achievement of the IPP is non-linear diagnostics (NLS). NLS diagnostics based on bio-resonance method allows evaluating of degree, intensity and evidence of functional changes in patient’s organism. In most cases using of this method has a principal significance for diagnostics and thus for right treatment choosing. It means that developing of this method became a great improvement in diagnostic medicine.
Using the principle of NLS diagnostics and on the basis of researches of academic Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov who invented trigger sensor, at the end of 80’s of the last century the Institute started to develop NLS diagnostic systems.