How The NLS-DEVICE Works
The first technological approaches were developed for scientific use, and were based on the principle that “the body is a great communication system” capable to react to exterior electromagnetic radiations. The Physiospect technique made for therapists, came out of this scientific experiment. It is made to be in contact with the body, without actual skin contact, and connected to a personal computer with a sophisticated software. So how does it work?
It works by sending an infra-red triggering signal of extremely low intensity
The aim of the development by Russian scientists of the PHYSIOSPECT is to contribute to the sustenance (up-keep) of the body in its capacity to self-heal and tendency towards homeostasis. It is all based on bio-chemical energetic fields which have been known for a long time in the tradition of Chinese medicine and ayurveda. This knowledge has recently been used by several scientists. The Russians are among those who have studied the influence of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms. Let us briefly review the important work achieved by other scientists in the area of energy medicine.
Nicolas TESLA (1856-1943) , a real electronic genius, created the foundation of the non-linear quantum generator which is used in the technology of PHYSIOSPECT.
His work was followed-up by the French G. LAKHOVSKY, who studied the effect of radio frequencies on plants and
The American R. RIFE measured the influence of the electromagnetic frequencies on the “bio-field” or “biological field” of the human being.
The Reef frequencies are still in use today.
Towards 1950, the German R. VOLL developed methods to measure the energy of acupuncture points. He particularly measured the electric potential of the “biologic active points” which reflect the functional degree of an organ. VOLL’s method gave sometimes inexact measurements, but later development gave more precise results. One of the latest methods is called “non-linear analysis – NLS” and is used by the PHYSIOSPECT.
In PHYSIOSPECT the frequency of the electromagnetic resonance is measured in several dimensions, and by amplification of thisresonance which is combined with the integration measurement of the degree of entropy.
From now on development of any disease, or potential ones, can be detected even before any appearance of symptoms. At the same time it is also possible to to analyse the body’s reaction to various types of medicaments.
An appliance known as the Mora, uses electrical signals that are inversed for therapy. This system was elaborated on in 1970 by doctor F. MORELL in collaboration with electrical engineer E. RASCHE. This energy therapy is used to restore cellular functions.
The Méta therapy used by PHYSIOSPECT is an improved version and much more elaborate than the famous MORA therapy.
Finally, the famous French scientist J. BENNEVENISTE and the British professor S. Smith from the university of Manchester , demonstrated that water possesses a memory inside its structure. This potential is used by the function “Reimprint” in PHYSIOSPECT in order to put frequencies into water. Thanks to this function, an imprint of frequencies can be projected into water, alcohol or sugar pills, which will then be given to the patient. The technology will choose the adequate frequencies for each patient to be treated in order to help his body to heal and without any side effects.
The button Start Research allows to begin investigation with the set-up parameters under a set-up scheme of investigation from the list of organs
(Several examinations of one organ within one day are impossible.)
Research procedure
At the bottom of the screen the name of investigated organ and a scale of frequencies is shown.
In the right part of the screen you can see a window with the curve showing amplitude of signals of various frequencies.
Ideally the curve of the etalon and the real signal should coincide. The large distinctions between the curves show possible presence of functional deviations.
The button Pause/Resume allows to make a pause in a research if necessary. You can also remove the headphones during the research and it will be automatically stopped until you put them on again.
The button Exit allows to return to a card file.
The technology analyses only one person at the time, and the registration of a person takes about 5 minutes. The correlations, analysis and treatments take between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending upon how many organs are tested. The tested organs are seen on the screen, and the results are saved on the hard disk. Thus the progress of the client can be followed at each consultation.
Information about the human body’s structure.
All “objects” in the universe have their proper structure, including the human race. We can affirm that the “informational structure” is very important and that the human body depends upon the electromagnetic direction of this structure. Each cell in the body sends out a very weak electromagnetic sphere around it. This radiation contains information about the function of the cells, which again depends upon how they communicate between themselves.
Perfect health indicates a perfect communication between the cells.
The human body is a range of electromagnetic radiations which contain information in the same way as a radio or television appliance or other electronic appliances which send out or capture waves containing information or high frequencies while the information transported is of lower frequencies. All the organs in the body have their own information frequencies, which are well known, measured and registered in the given databases. These are an integrated part of the function of the PHYSIOSPECT.
When the cells of the organs communicate they are tuned in on the same frequency (wave length) and are in resonance in the same way as a radio is tuned in on the transmitter. The resonance frequency is thus carrier of information.
Each organ and each cell of the body emits a low frequency, normally between 1 and 10 Hz. This low frequency module the frequency carried, which gives the signal. The diagram gives the normal value for certain organs, and this value will vary according to age and sex.
The first level of pathology is detected by a disturbance of the resonance between the cells and the various organs of the body, A more serious pathology will ensue when the communication is interrupted dramatically. All living organisms are dependent upon a functional internal and external communication.
Quantum medicine teaches that we are beings of communication. Our cells feel this communication instinctively in the same way as a healer works intuitively. The Physiospect captures and registers information in a precise manner and can thus influence the cells and help restore their functions in the same way as a healer does.
To estimate what etalons are connected with the etalon you are interested in we use the keyEtalon-
Allocate the standard you want to check with the cursor and having clicked the left key of the mouse press Etalon-Object and the etalon index equal to 0,000 then is given to the etalon,Then the etalons subsequent to it (the first two are especially important) are listed according to the degree of importance. In other words it is possible to replace the chosen etalon with the combination of etalons with the same characteristics.
If it is an etolon of pathomorphology, the etalons are listed according to the degree of importance in disease process.
Structural disturbances.
Which are the dysfunctions that might affect the information frequencies? Why do they appear?
Our thoughts interfere with the information frequencies, and thus we influence our own organs when we go into resonance with these. For example, if I am worried about my stomach, and do this quite often, eventually I damage the mucous lining of the stomach. Worries are emotions and simultaneously information. If these remain for a longer period they can lead to pathology. Negative thoughts in relation to our bodies and our spirit create strong emotions. This explains why, when thoughts are laden with fear, they have a negative influence on our structure and without us being consciously aware of it, go in resonance with the organs where problems then will start to appear. It is very important that we all understand this idea and are conscious of this fact. The greatest influence on our health seems to come from our own thoughts because they can disturb the functional structure.
Relationships and communication with others represent also a source of information. If we are in conflict with others, this creates an information which is capable of disturbance.
Media is another source of disturbance. The information there is not always positive and is often published in such a way that it creates fear and scares us.
In our modern society we are bombarded by massive electromagnetic radiation, whether we want it or not. It is therefore important to protect ourselves against all technological frequencies.
Why are older and younger persons affected by this? Because they have a weak structure. If the contact between the cells is stronger, the body can face problems easier. The PHYSIOSPECT is a technology which permits this. It is thus possible to detect and repair dysfunction within the “structural information”.
Capture/decoding of information with the PHYSIOSPECT.
The patient puts on the headphones. The sounds inside the headphones are those of the carrier waves which tune into the low frequencies of the organs which we want to scan. The function of the laser is to activate the structure of the organ examined, but under no circumstances to transmit any information to the patient.
You only have to click on the program of the organ you want to examine, f.inst. Left knee or Right knee. The frequencies of the chosenorgan, will be obtained through the headphones. Thus a resonance is produced with this organ exclusively, and nothing else.
Afterwards the function of the organ is “read” by the headphones. The various frequencies of each organ are registered in the computer.
Then state of the organ is compared with normal values. These normal values depend upon age and sex of the client and are named scientifically: Etalon.
Frequencies of organs.
It is possible to make a more profound examination if you detect a sick organ. First it is possible to observe whether the structure is affected, and whether this situation affects the function of the organs. The frequencies of the various diseases, micro organisms and allergic substances are among the given data. It is thus possible to make a more detailed diagnostic.
Structure and function
It is very important to understand the two concepts “structure” and “function” . It is possible to compare this to a production company, where the personnel must cooperate in order to obtain good results, by communicating efficiently between all of them. First there has to be an organization which surrounds and supports the personnel. This is the structure. The better this is organized, the stronger is the structure, and the greater the chances of obtaining a good product at the end of the line. However, if the company wants to succeed, it must have a production department. This is the function, which can be more or less efficient.
An ideal structural appearance of the human body does not exist. In fact we are all totally different individuals, with totally different structures.
However, it is imperative that structure and function are perfectly co-ordinated. Just as in the example of the company, the body functions more effectively if the structure (organization) follows the function (production).
The PHYSISPECT technology indicates the frequency of the function of the organ by a red curve, and the frequency of the structure of the organ by a blue curve. The human body is in balance when the two curves are following each other closely. When there is a too large discrepancy (separation) a problem is indicated. PHYSIOSPECT fascinates by its capability to present visually the condition of a structure. The blue curve shows how the organ communicates with the entire body, other organs and the bodily structures with which there might be a conflict.
It has to be realized that the organization of the organ is weak when there is chaos within the organic communication, because the communication remains weak with the rest of the body. First we have to organize the internal and external communication via the structure if we want to get rid of the problem and help the other organs. In the same manner as with other things in the universe, there is an internal and external problem,
The structure, thus the function of the “META. therapy” in the program can help to resolve the problem. It is up to the therapist to suggest that the client makes some changes in his way of thinking and/or living. The therapist can highlight the problem, even if it is not such an easy task, but it is the responsibility of the client to make the changes.
If you click the button META-therapy you will enter a mode which allows to carry out bioresonant therapy of an organ. Choose the centre of influence on the picture of the given organ having positioned the mouse cursor on a green circle in its necessary part. If you use Metatherapy for strengthening compensatory reactions include and click the key Start . If you wish to use Metatherapy to eliminate bacteria or viruses, click on the moon the "destructor" then click Start .
Use of the Metatherapy " Destructor" is not recommended for beginners!!!
Analysis of results
Following the examination, the results can immediately be seen on the screen of the computer. A comparison is made on the basis of the information obtained from the normal organ activities. It is possible to go into further details in various ways. To help you evaluate how, here is a brief description of the four principal analyses.
For a detailed description of the function of the program, please refer to the presentation program of the PHYSIOSPECT,
1, Topic analysis
2. Control of pathology and analysis of entropy
3. Biochemical analysis by NLS
4. Spectral analysis with two curves.
To evaluate the state of a person’s health, several organs have to be controlled and the results analysed using these four types of analysis. This implies an extensive analysis which should be done by a well educated therapist or a medical doctor. This examination goes further and deeper than a normal examination of a sick person. The technology can reveal a pathological state before appearance of symptoms, and can thus be used in a preventive way.
Here is a description of the four different methods which can be used for analysis in order to help the therapist in his evaluation of the results and choice of adequate therapy.
. Topical analysis
Topical analysis is a biomedical term signifying a first general analysis, which shows the degree of stress of an organ. The PHYSIOSPECT technology shows an organ on the screen and indicates the level of stress (or the corresponding value) with numbers from 1 to 6.
1. The pale yellow hexagonal symbol indicates a latent activity. Either an organ has not yet been attacked or has finished its activities. That seems to be very natural, f.inst. during the sweeping of the ovaries of a young girl, where the ovaries are not yet developed, and thus shows a latent activity. A comparative check of the ovaries of an older women will tell that the activities are completed.
2. The dark yellow hexagonal symbol indicates that the organ functions at optimal frequency.
3. The red triangle symbol which points upwards, indicates that an organ starts to show signs of stress. It is under a light pressure during its function.
4. The red triangle symbol which points downwards, represents the following stage and the organ must make more of an effort to function correctly and efficiently.
5. The green diamond symbol, or square in a diagonal position, indicates that the organ is already under pressure and that the ability of the body to adapt is reduced.
6. The black square symbol indicates that the body’s capacity to adapt is weak. When the body is under pressure, the organ can indicate a mediocre temporary result, without necessarily resulting in a reduced function
1: Latent, sub-optimally regulated physiological state | |
2: Optimally regulated physiological state | |
3: Physiologic changes in the regulated system | |
4: Shift to a higher level strain condition of regulatory systems. | |
5: Compensated failure of adaptive mechanisms | |
6: De-compensation of adaptive mechanisms, expressed pathology |
Before going into further details about the interpretation of the symbols, we will describe the other analysis.
. Evaluation of pathology and analysis of entropy.
In order to complete the analysis of the PHYSIOSPECT, information about the organ is required by a topical analysis and an analysis of entropy. The analysis of entropy is presented by numbers 1 to 7. A low result (ex. 1) indicate a high structural order, and thus a high result (ex. 7) indicates the opposite.
- Grade 1 of entropy indicates a sufficient order.
- If the result shows 2, this indicates the beginning of a process.
- Grade 3 of entropy shows that the process is getting stronger
- Grade 4 shows that the process is on its way to become a marked structural trouble.
- Grade 5 of entropy: There is more chaos (disorganization) which grows and stabilizes itself in grades 6 and 7.
The spectral reassemblance indicates the discrepancy between the result and the normal values present in the database. A value below the normal is getting close to pathology.
- A value below 0,425 indicates that the patient shows values close to pathology.
- A value between 0.425 and 0,750 indicates that the patient shows a lesser probability of pathology.
- A value between 0,750 and 1 indicates even less probability of pathological changes. However, it does not eliminate the possibility of pathological changes as this also depends upon the degree of entropy.
A value of 1 on the spectral resemblance indicates a small possibility of a problem, but again we must look at the degree of entropy (the spectral resemblance is a good way to look as the body is in a phase of rehabilitation), however the structure will still show a state of chaos (disorganization).
Biochemical analysis by NLS Analysis.
The non-linear system of analysis (or NLS) makes it possible to do a biochemical analysis. In this way the PHYSIOSPECT technology can verify the biochemical composition of each organ. It is, however, necessary to have sufficient knowledge of biochemy to understand the condition. It is, for inst. possible to evaluate the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), leucocytes (white blood cells), granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes as well as thrombocytes, as well as the level of oxygen absorption. A biochemical analysis can be made with the blood in the same way as it is done for an organ.
If the value of degree of enthropy indicate 1 or 2 there is deficiency.
If the value indicate 3, 4 or 5 everything is normal.
A value of 6 or 7 always indicates excess.
Spectral analysis (with two curves): correlations.
The spectral analysis indicates which organs we are in good or bad communication with, and whether there is an hypo- or hyper- function. An organ with a hypo- function is represented by the red curve beneath the blue curve.
The spectral analysis indicates areas between the frequencies 1,8 to 10 Hz which show the largest discrepancy. As an example let us observe closer the two curves for the liver, the red curve for function and the blue curve for structure. If we look at the frequencies for “conjunctive tissue” of the spectral analysis, we will notice that the red curve for function always is superior to the blue structural curve. It is thus possible to conclude that there is a hyper function. This shows that a growth of conjunctive tissue can have started in the liver. If we then move our observation towards the frequencies of “Hormonal System”, we will discover that the red functional curve is way below the blue structural curve, We can then conclude that the liver suffers from a hypo-function in association with a hormonal imbalance.
Thus it is possible to understand how each organ communicates with the whole body. These spectral curves contain much information and ought to be available so that we and our patient can understand the problems of the organs and which system they use to show a deficient communication.
Summary of the analysis done by the PHYSIOSPECT technology:
- Topical analysis with geometrical symbols
- Control of the development of the disease by spectral and entropic analyses.
- Biochemical analysis supported by NLS analysis
- Spectral analysis by two curves.
The interpretation of the various analyses requires an understanding of pathological processes as well as an understanding of how the body handles “tension” in an optimal way. The human body is an autonomous regulatory system capable of facing strong disturbances, interferences and struggles. There are, however, at the end of the line, limits that it cannot overcome.
Interpretation of the symbols of the degree of entropy
After the topical analysis, we come to the symbols numbered 1 to 6, which indicate the degree of tension suffered by the organ at the time of the analysis. This is not sufficient in order to conclude that a pathology exists. It all depends upon the state of entropy.
Let us remember that a weak entropy (ex. 1) indicates that the organ is normal, and that a higher degree of entropy indicates disorder and chaos (dis-organisation). The various degrees of entropy can be described thus:
1. Normal
2. The process has begun in direction of trouble.
3. The process goes on increasing the trouble.
4. The process is on its way to even greater chaos.
5. The chaos is from now on well installed.
6. Even greater chaos.
If during control of an organ, several black squares can be observed, this can seem scary and make us think that we are sick. However, it is not necessarily so, as it all depends upon the degree of entropy. If the degree of entropy indicates a low number, everything is correct, because there is structural order. The tension/charge is temporary or the body is eventually under treatment (in a stage of repair).
The treatment by META-therapy functions better with a weak degree of entropy where there is a structural order, rather than with a high degree of entropy where there is too much chaos.
During a long term treatment the measurements ought to show that the degree of entropy decreases in the organ if the treatment is efficient. The diagram on the previous page tries to show the symbols and the degree of entropy. The interpretation of the symbols varies between the right and the left side of the curve.
There is a sufficient structural order when the degree of entropy is weak on the left side, and the symbols indicate the level of function of the organ in order to reestablish a healthy condition. The symbols 4 and 5 indicate only that the organ is under tension because it is in a state of self-healing.
On the right side, if the degree of entropy is high, there is a structural disorder which can prove to be serious. The symbols 4 and 5 indicate that even here the organ is under stress because of a structural chaos, and that a disease can ultimately develop. The symbol 6 indicates that the organ is in a latent state (state of rest), and does not try to restore order, and that other remedies have to be used.
The body’s defence mechanisms.
In order to obtain a sufficient evaluation for treatment, it is necessary to have a knowledge of the defence mechanisms of the body, because, as a matter of fact, all the “operators” should have this knowledge. When the body is under stress it fights to return to a bio-chemical balance which is its condition of survival. For instance, a high temperature of the body activates the immune system, a cough tries to get rid of mucus, vomit is to get rid of toxins, and a tumorous growth tries to stop the spread of cancerous toxins.
People generally have wrong ideas and try habitually to eliminate symptoms, while they appear in order to heal the body in a certain manner.
Thus it is preferable to help the body, because it knows what is best for it. Here is a concrete example of the manner in which the defence mechanisms of the body will work whenever there is tension/overload: Let us suppose that we eat spicy food which irritate the mucous of the stomach. The frequencies will change.. The stress will be in the area of 2 – 3. If the structure of the body is strong enough, the problem will disappear.
The process will continue if we continue to eat spicy food, or if the body is under stress. We see that various kinds of stress can also affect the mucous.
The body hurries up to get rid of the irritation at any price. We want the pain to disappear, and the body wants the irritation of the mucous to cease. This means the body must make a mucous that is less sensitive, instead of making a very sensitive one. The problem is solved when there is no more pain. The frequencies have returned to normal, but at what price? There now is an organic change.
It is important to explain this phenomenon to the one who does not know. The frequencies have returned to normal, but on another level. Academic medicine recognizes this problem and calls is “a chronic problem”. This means a normal condition which can lead to a diminution of gastric acid and a weaker digestive process etc.
Why does not cancer show? The development of a pathology is a dynamic process, just as the growth of cancer cells. What does the body do to stop the growth of cancer cells? It makes a tumour! The tumour is the tool that the body’s protective mechanisms choose to stop the growth of cancer cells. Academic medicine can find a tumour and observe that cancer is present. The tumour becomes the normal condition of the body and is thus difficult to detect by PHYSIOSPECT. Cancer does not have an own frequency, but it is possible to detect the organic changes.
Also diabetes has a dynamic process. The pancreas has shown a period of reduced activity. It does not produce insulin, and if the process continues for ten years or more, PHYSIOSPECT cannot detect diabetes because the dynamic process has ceased, However, other problems may be found.
Sclerodermia: Why does the body hoard collagen in the skin to such an extent that it hardens and becomes thick? Because the aging body presents a diminished structure which is weaker and supports less and less the stress/tension. Thus the body makes connective tissue to protect itself. This is the reason why PHYSIOSPECT often indicates “Sclerodermia by older persons.
Another way for the body to protect itself is by making adipose tissue (fatty). Many elderly persons have a tendency to gain weight. The body replaces organic tissue with adipose tissue. Because of lack of energy the body must accumulate a reserve: A layer of adipose tissue.
It is very important that the body has enough hydrogen. (H+) This is indispensable for cellular balance. If there is a lack of hydrogen, the body will make it itself, and will become more acid during this return to balance. You must not take alkaline food, but rather aid the body. There is always a reason for what is happening in the body. In this case it is more reasonable to eat acidic food instead of alkaline food which is often eaten in large quantities. In Russia it is only advised to eat alkaline food in severe cases.
Inflammatory processes are also among the defence mechanisms of the body. An inflammation is a “fight” against micro-organisms, often lasting years without any visible result, and leaving the body worn out.
Two main problems exist: Short term problems which the body can treat on its own, and long term problems where the body activates various defence mechanisms, which in the end lead to organic changes. In this case the degree of entropy is serious and various forms of therapy are necessary to reestablish order.
The Meta therapy can improve the state of the body. However, in the case of chronic problems, this could take several years, and generally the patients cannot wait that long because they want immediate results.
Let us now look at various cases and curves in order to understand the development of pathology.
Curves of pathology.
In the analysis of entropy there are curves which indicate the degree of entropy (from 1 to 7) at different frequencies (1, 6 to 8 ,2 Hz) both for structure (blue curve) and for function (red curve). By a healthy state, the two curves follow each other closely all the way. A largediscrepancy between the two curves indicate a pathological process within the communication system of the body.
We start with the development of a strong process (a). Here the amplitude of the low frequencies stays between interval below 2 to 3, but at high frequencies we note a large difference between the curves. The process starts always when there is a reduction in function and the organ weakens by stress/tension. Then the organ develops microorganisms, parasites and various spores etc. We can see on the diagram that by a frequency of 4 Hz, the communications between other organs and systems are interrupted.
Just as our example of the stressed stomach which can provoke a gastric ulcer, the development of this ulcer depends upon the function of the nervous system. The vagus nerve is hyperactive which again leads to an increase in the production of gastric juices. According to the diagram, we can see that the “function” of the stomach is reduced in relation to the nervous system.
If the body does not succeed to get rid of the acute problem, the curve will just increase (b). The body must then affront the problem seriously, and make a bigger effort to reestablish order. The amplitude goes up from 2-3 to 3-4, and the red functional curve close to the blue structural curve faces the crisis in the hope that the values will return to normal. If that does not happen, there is a risk that the condition becomes chronic (c). This means that at certain frequencies, the red function curve will rise high above the blue structural curve and that the amplitude will increase up to 4-5.
If the problem remains without change, the body possesses other means of defence. It can make new tissue to replace damaged tissue. The glandular tissue slowly makes new cells that resemble normal cells. It can also create a tumour (from now on cancerous), called adenoma, which, if it does not increase, and the body is sufficiently strong, can disappear and be reabsorbed. This is indicated by the PHYSIOSPECT technology when the red function curve is outside service (d), is situated above the blue structural curve and the amplitude is up to 6.
A developing cancer needs a great effort from the body. There is a large distance between the functional and the structural curve (e). At the same time, the function is completely out of service and the degree of entropy is over 6.
Sub acute
Benign Tumour
Malignant Tumour
Tissue Structure
Not everybody knows or uses the other possibilities of the PHYSIOSPECT technology. The examination of various parts of the organ, and the manner in which various medicaments can affect this.
It is possible to examine specifically the liver if a patient mentions that there is a problem. Maybe it functions well? If we follow this examination with measurements of the lymphatic system, we will find that the degree of entropy is abnormally high, even if the liver functions well. This indicates that we should seek a method to improve the lymphatic system. First we have to choose the object to examine. The diagram below presents the buttons and the use of the program.
O; Other (lilac)
M: Articulation and cartilage (orange)
L: Lymphatic system (green)
A: Arteries (red)
V: Veins (blue)
N: Nervous system (yellow)
All: All the structural tissues.
Vera Control
Finally there is the Vera control, which localize the level at which the development of the problem is situated. The actual phase can be observed by pressing on the button “Control Vera”.
Treatment possibilities.
With the PHYSIOSPECT technology it is possible to treat the client in three different ways; Meta-therapy, Reimprint, and Vegeto control.
After the treatment, it is possible to compare the results with the results obtained before the treatment in order to see the immediate effect produced.
The Meta therapy is the most common therapy to restore organic frequencies. This is done with the help of the connection between the head phones and the laser, which activate the structure and come into resonance with the organ to be treated. Thus it is sufficient to send frequencies of the most appropriate “normal optimal values”, which are available in the given database. In this manner, it is possible to approach almost normal values of the organs, called “etalons” (normal standard). It all varies according to the length of the pre-existing problem, and the receptivity of the patient to the Meta therapy.
If the problem is relatively recent, one treatment may be enough.
It is possible to treat several organs at the same time (at the same consultation). If the problem has existed for a long time, the degree of entropy in the organ is elevated, implying more chaos, then more than one treatment is necessary to regain order in the structures and frequencies.
It is possible to use the PHYSIOSPECT technique to follow the effects of the treatments and the body’s own efforts to self heal, as you can se below.
Reimprint (preparation of energetic medicines)
The function “Reimprint” also works along the principles of bio-resonance. A “reimprint” is a “copy” composed of frequencies at disposal in the database, frequencies specific to the organ treated. It is possible to charge a liquid with this reimprint of frequency. The client should absorb these frequencies during several weeks. When the liquid is charged, the frequencies are inverted, thus the opposite of the “incorrect” measurements. It is thus possible to bring the functions of the organs towards frequencies approaching the structural frequencies (bringing the curves closer together).
To do this a glass has to be put into the resonance cup, then click INVERT because the program contains inverted frequencies. Then select the type of carrier medium (water, alcohol, sugar, paraffin) and click START. The liquids suited to contain information are water, alcohol and paraffin, because they can retain and keep the frequencies during a long period.
An other variation of the function “Reimprint”, is the emission of various medication frequencies into the liquid. The given database contain frequencies of various alimentary additives, homeopathic formula, phyto- and allopathic remedies, all placed in inverted form. It is possible to send (imprint) these into a liquid in a manner identical with the organs. It is thus possible to arrive at an individual “liquid solution” exclusive to this person.
It is possible to charge up to five different frequencies into the same bottle. The medication will find the organ appropriate to its resonance, which can be disturbed if there are more than five medications in use. The ideal would be to use a container for each organ, charged with only one frequency. Thus, if we want to treat the heart, the liver and the kidneys, the patient can have three different containers to be used individually at the time when the organ is most active according to the Chinese energetic hour clock. However, such a way to take the medicines is not always practical at the right moment, and it is then simpler and more polyvalent to charge all the frequencies into one bottle.
The body absorbs the information contained in water or alcohol, during a period of three to four weeks, then the effect will start to diminish. 4-5 drops of medication should be taken in half a glass of water in the morning before breakfast, for four months.
Water is usually used for acute problems and alcohol for chronic ones. Paraffin is used for joint problems and the vertebral column.
Vegeto control.
One of the more popular uses of the PHYSIOSPECT is the “Vegeto control”. The control of the vegetative resonance brings understandable ideas and news of the manner in which various medicines can affect the human body. We know that the material world possesses frequencies just as the human body. These frequencies contain an information and this information can be read by the PHYSIOSPECT.
The frequencies of a medication can get into harmony with a person or not. This idea is transformed into the principle of resonance. The closer the frequency of the medication is to our frequency, the more efficient it is. That is why it is important to choose alimentary additives, homeopathic formula, allopathic remedies, vitamins and plants (phyto-aroma) according to the principle of resonance.
The Vegeto control of PHYSIOSPECT can be used to verify the adjustment of a medication to the problem organ of a person. There are two ways to proceed. Either by comparison of a pre-existing medicine found in the given database, or by verifying the relevance of a medication the patient already uses.
In the first case, we have to choose a medication presenting a low spectral similitude. The lower it is, the better it is (f.inst. 0540 or 0350). Click on the “Vegeto Control” button, and treat the organ with the chosen medication. Then with the help of the function “Analyse +” it is possible to see the change in the organ and whether the patient ought to take this medicine. The organ will either improve or degenerate. Thus it only remains to choose the medicine which is already in use or the most efficient new one suggested by PHYSYOSPECT.
In the second case, we want to check a medicine the patient already is using. In this case, we have to use the container and the laser to test the frequencies of the resonance of this medication. Click on the button “Vegeto Control” and write in the name of the medicament to be tested. Then proceed to sweep the organ in question. The effect can be analysed in the same manner as the medicaments in the database.
Many therapists use the PHYSIOSPECT technology exclusively to determine the ideal medication for their clients and to evaluate the effect.
Analysis of results
Absolute model.
The “Absolute model” is used for selection among the various medications in the database (nutrition, phyto-therapy, homeopathy, allopathic medicines), and those already tested and registered. When this button is clicked, a system will point towards the best substance for the problem. The pathologies can be connected, thus one pathology can lead to another.
Virtual model.
The “virtual model” is used to choose the best combination among various medications. Start marking the basic remedy with a “red point” in order to know the spectral simily. Then chose another medication to see whether the spectral simily increases or diminishes. If the total diminishes, the medications work together, if not they don’t. In this way it is possible to continue to combine other medicaments for the patient.
Interpretation of certain pathologies.
1. Obesity appears when the metabolism of lipids of an organ has deteriorated. It is not the visible lipids, but the lipid metabolism.
2. Sclerodermia signifies that the connective tissue has weakened various organs. This is a normal occurrence during the process of ageing.
3. Bronchial asthma is only apparent during an asthma attack, otherwise it manifests as bronchitis.
4. An insulin dependant person does not always show diabetes, while it will show if a person has blood sugar which is temporarily higher than normal.
5. A pancreatic fibroma appears sometimes during the ageing process.
6. An indication of lipomas in the breast can sometimes show with obese women without a real presence of benign tumours orlipomas.
7. A menstruating women can show an excess of oestrogene.
8. Hepatitis: Cellular level is indicated under the heading “hepatitis” for all problems relating to the liver.
9. Hydronephrosis will show for all situations where there is a renal hypertrophy.
10. For arthritis: The various forms of arthritis do not appear as their development is not dynamic.
11. The thrombophlebit can show up for veins where the blood is thicker.
12. A myoma of the intestines, benign tumour, can sometimes show up when there is a presence of hard stools in the colon.
. Spectral similitude: Value of the numbers that show up.
During the verification of the medications, a spectral similitude of 0,425 or less is adequate.
Values superior to 1 are not adequate for medications and plants: Remedies based on plants, homeopathy and allopathy mustshow a value less than or equal to 0,425.
However, for dangerous substances the values are elevated. Thus, allergic substances and microorganisms present a value over 1
A Quick Glance at How to Use the Physiospect
Reception of patient (upper left)
Click on NEW CARD to enter a new patient
Click on SELECT CARD to find an already existing patient
Enter name, first name, age, gender, and blood group (unknown if not known)
Click on OK
The computer will start scanning the parts of the body chosen.
At the end “RESEARCH DONE”, click on ok.
All the selected organs are regrouped on top of the list. In front of the organs are marked three colours. Green ok, red to be watched, brown: important problems at the level of cellular stress.
Click on the concerned organ and click CURRENT ANALYSE.
Click on TEST to see what the patient’s curves look like.
Cross off upper left corner “pathomorphology, micro-organism”. Make sure that the cursor is always on top.
The figures vary between 0 and 10. Figures over 1 does not concern us, between 1 and 0,425 are the values that show traces of disease, between 0,425 and 0,1 is the area of chronic problems. Below 0,1 the problem becomes even more serious.
To view the stage of disease, click on the name of the pathology and click on ENTROPY ANALYSE.
Entropy is the various stages of disease (order in the disorder).
Look at the number highlighted at the bottom right side:
- No disease
- Beginning of a disease process (psychological, program, previous)
- The disease process continues (becomes energetic)
- The disease becomes psychological
- The disease becomes structural and installed
6-7 Chaos, rapid progress towards disorder.
Choose the organ to be treated
Place the arrow where wanted
Click on START
Choose organ to be treated.
Click on TEST
Click on the chosen product, upper right corner click on VEGETO TEST
Do this for all products marked in red, and for each category indicated below.
Instead of testing the products one by one, you can click on the button ABSOLUTE MODEL which will give you the remedies that are the most suited for the problem (there is a red point in front)..
Choose organ to be treated.
Put the product to be tested in the cup
Write the name of the product
Click on OK
Click on EXIT
Mark the referred organ
Look at the graphic improvement, and below the percentage of improvement.
Attention: Verify also the curve with FIRST GRAPH and SECOND GRAPH.
Put the name of the patient on top
Put on the earphones
(A control cannot be done on the same day, if necessary you must change the date on the computer)
Choose organ to be treated
Click on TEST
Cross off the remedies you want (phyto, homeo, organe..)
Select the remedy wanted or tested
Choose the carrier medium (water, sugar …)
Click on INVERT
Put the carrier medium in the resonance cup (and if you put nothing the remedy will just be transferred to the patient directly.